20th February 2018


there are many ways of modifying the written language when texting. We do these things to make the best easiest experience when texting. one way we can change is by using initialisms such as OMG or YOLO, OMG is an initialism of oh my goodness/gosh/god and YOLO is an initialism of you only live once. we use these initialisms because it makes it easier for us to type because writing YOLO you press the keys 4-5 times rather then pressing the keys 18 times when writing out the whole phrase. we also use these initialisms to increase the speed of the text conversation, when we are talking in person the other person you are talking to generally replies within 2-3 seconds but when we are texting sometimes writing out a long paragraph can take a long time so we use these initialisms to speed up the process as much as we can. speed is a key point of a text conversation. in the past texts have only been used to send a certain message but now days it is used for conversations. the speed of which the other person replies at can really affect how you respond. If you send a message that you are unsure of how they will respond to it and they open it and dont send a reply within a minute or 2 you would get the feeling they didn’t like what you just sent to them or that they do not know what to say back.

Another way we can modify the english language is to add emojis to our sentences such as a smiley face/ sad face or angry face. we do this so that the person receiving the message does not get the wrong idea. for example if you sent a message that could come across rude or aggressive you could put a smiley face on the end of the message to show the person that you are not mad or being rude. while texting it is really easy to get the wrong idea from a message that you have been sent because it’s only words on a screen, we can’t see any facial expressions or changes of there voice tone. Only 7% of communication is verbal, 55% body language and 38% so when texting we have to decide ourselves what they are trying to say with only the 7% verbal communication.


Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. This is good, detailed analysis. My next thought, which I think is worth adding at the end of the paragraph before you go on to another are of language, is “Why do we need the communication to happen fast?”. I have ideas of my own on this, but I’d be interested to know what you think.

  2. This analysis is a very strong summary of the more nuanced ideas we discussed in class about the way we modify language when we text each other.

    What is needed now is further explanation of each different abbreviation technique (for example, initialism, homophone, omission) – each in their own paragraph. You can use the paragraph structure explained here: Sample Paragraph


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